
The Laboratory Robotics
Interest Group

Mid Atlantic Chapter


The Laboratory Robotics Interest Group is a non-profit
special interest group.  In order to maintain our dues-free status, we rely on our
vendor members for support.  Following are some of the ways that vendors can help us
operate, and receive value in return.

Banner Ad -  The banner
advertisement on the Laboratory Robotics Interest Group Mid Atlantic web site is available
by the month. Sign up now and reserve your month! We are asking for a fee of $150 per
month to display your company’s banner of your own design. The banner may be
animated or static and should conform to the standard 400 pixels wide by 40 pixels high
format. The banner may also be a link to your web site or email. This fee pays the web
hosting fee for one month.

Mailing Costs   - 
meeting announcement mailer goes out in email form.  This mailer goes
to every member of the group who has an email address.  The cost to add your attachment to the email is

Meeting Refreshments  
-  We generally offer deli platters or pizza, and beverages during the social period
of our meetings.  Paying for either the food, beverages or both not only earns the
undying gratitude of the attendees but we put up posters detailing your contribution and
announce it during the meeting.

Vendor Exhibitions  
-  We hold Vendors Nights where the vendors are invited to display their latest
technologies and meet our members.  The charge for this was $800 per table last year
which pays for the hotel rental, catered food and refreshments, and services.  At the
request of our members, we are inviting vendors to take a more active role in the group.

Host a Meeting   - 
Another possibility is to host a meeting at your facility.  This could include a tour
of your facilities or exposure to your newest technologies.

Link to our Site  
-  The Laboratory Robotics Interest Group links to many other organizations in our
web site.  See how to return the favor on our Link-To-Us page.


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