New Logo Designs and Poll

Andy Zaayenga
03-01-2006, 07:08 PM

Manfred Remer of LRIG Germany has done a wonderful job of creating new logo designs for LRIG. He is proposing six versions, shown below. They are all much nicer than our current logo. Manfred's design goal was to create an extensible design that each chapter could use, personalized for their particular name or region. He has included the base graphic for each along with examples of how each chapter could personalize it (LRIG New England, ELRIG, LRIG DE, LRIG New Jersey, LRIG NorthWest, etc.).

Please take some time to review them and vote on your favorite. As well, please leave a reply with your comments if you like. Manfred is open to suggestion so please don't hestitate to say if you think changes would make a design even nicer.

Thank you, Manfred, for your hard work and creativity!

- Andy Zaayenga

Andy Zaayenga
03-01-2006, 07:30 PM

Andy Zaayenga
03-01-2006, 07:32 PM

Andy Zaayenga
03-01-2006, 07:33 PM

Andy Zaayenga
03-01-2006, 07:34 PM

Andy Zaayenga
03-01-2006, 07:37 PM

Andy Zaayenga
03-01-2006, 07:38 PM

Andy Zaayenga
03-01-2006, 07:48 PM
I voted for version 1 which I felt is aesthetically pleasing. However, I'm a little concerned about how the gradient colors will translate on stationary and different web sites. We would want to incorporate this design into banners for partner sites also. All the designs are a huge improvement over our present logo.

Nice job, Manfred! :D

- Andy Z

03-01-2006, 09:13 PM
I voted for Version 2 since it has some contrast, and can be shrunk without getting dark and crowded.
I also prefer if all the logos had a microplate symbol instead of one of the flask... I hope you understand my microplate-philic condition!

Amer El-Hage

Maureen Stone
03-02-2006, 08:53 AM
I like Version 1. However I agree with the person who voted for version 2. I am concerned about the ability of Version 1 to transfer well to a variety of sizes and mediums.

03-02-2006, 09:39 AM

Manfred Remer excellent job, very creative. I prefer 2, but was wondering could we add a microplate?


03-02-2006, 11:09 AM
I'm no graphics artist, and Manfred most obviously is, but I share the concern that the appearance of most of these designs would degrade quickly with reduction and/or single color reproduction.

I think version 5 would be most resistant to these effects, but could possibly be improved by increasing the relative size of the arm and especially of the gripper and by reducing the thickness of the frame's inside edge to increase the contrast between the background and the labware. I would also like to see a microtiter plate somewhere, but wonder what that would look like on a one inch scale.

It would be nice if enough people could agree on something to suggest that we really do share a common interest. Maybe simplifying the group logo to just the arm and the frame with the lettering on the outside would help achieve consensus and give more scope for local chapters to express their undeniably rugged individuality?

03-02-2006, 12:07 PM
Great job, Manfred !
Thank you !
We've been looking at ways to build on the LRIG "brand" but at the same time differentiate ourselves and this is an excellent solution.

I like framing of version 1 but like the contrast provided by the solid letter in v2.

Best regards,
Tom Strader
Midwest LRIG

03-07-2006, 03:17 PM

Manfred Remer did a very creative job with this design, but I share the same concerns as the others: the current contrast and fading color will make this logo very difficult to utilize in a monochrome set. Moreover, the new design even though attractive with the robotic arm demonstrates a strong focus on robots, where LRIG connects a much wider population of scientists, technologists, researchers and business associates. As some already suggested, micro titer plates would be attractive to some, molecules to others, and pipettors to some more.

The current gears represents connection, team, technology and movement (innovation). It is very simple, high in contrast, and relatively well recognized now by members and partners.

May I ask the motivation behind the possible change of the logo?

I thank Manfred for this proposition, and would like to discuss it.


05-29-2006, 11:54 AM
Is it just my PC, or are the links to the logos broken? All I can see are little X's where the images should be.:(

Andy Zaayenga
05-29-2006, 01:15 PM
Is it just my PC, or are the links to the logos broken? All I can see are little X's where the images should be.:(

Thanks for the heads up - the link was broken when we moved from the beta to the official site. It's working now.


05-30-2006, 07:38 AM
Has to be Version 5; Just seems a lot 'cleaner' than the other versions.

Just another random thought... Rather than a wholesale change to the logo, would another option be just to update the current logo? That way at least we'd be building on what's gone before, rather than seemingly rebranding?

06-13-2006, 10:39 PM
Version 5 is definitely the most noticable. I like the new look, but the blue lets you remember how LRIG started. Sounds sappy I know, but that's how #5 impacted me.