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Discussion groups are used to allow people to discuss common interests.  The LRIG Discussion Group is for comments or questions about Laboratory Robotics, or any Laboratory Automation related topic.  The LRIG Discussion Mail List embraces "push" technology, where the messages come to you in your email.  The LRIG Message Board  and the Discussion Web were "pull" technology which required you to log on to the web site and visit that area.

You can subscribe to the mail list by using the Subscribe box below. When LRIG receives the message, it will send you a "confirmation" message. You will receive messages posted to the list by other subscribers and you will be able to post messages or enter replies to messages which will be seen by the other subscribers.  There is no fee to join.

Click to subscribe to lrig-discussion

You may  also subscribe by sending a blank email message to:
[email protected]
or visit the LRIG Discussion Mail List page at:

This mailing list is moderated. SPAM, flames, or inappropriate messages will be filtered out before they are sent to your email address. Our vision here at LRIG for this mail list is that it should be a dynamic forum for users and vendors to freely exchange ideas and solve problems. We want to be sure that the demeanor of the mail list reflects the desires of the subscribers. The majority of the subscribers have indicated that they do not want to receive unsolicited sales or promotional messages in this forum.

Joining the Lab-Robotics Discussion Mail List does not mean that you are signed up as a member of the Laboratory Robotics Interest Group. If you are not yet a member of the LRIG, a sign up form may be found at:
You do not have to be a member of the LRIG to participate in the Discussion Mailing List.

The Discussion Mailing List Archives contain monthly digests of messages that were posted from October 1998 to March 2000, and pictures that relate to messages.  After March 2000 we went to a web based mail list which archives at

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
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LRIG™ is a trademark of the Laboratory Robotics Interest Group
Last modified: February 23, 2009