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Mid Atlantic Chapter

Home Speaker Prep Archived Meetings


Future Meetings: May 2008 Fourteenth Annual Technology Exhibition & Presentations
Next Meeting: May 2008 Fourteenth Annual Technology Exhibition & Presentations
Past Meetings: February 2008 Automated Biorepositories: Successful Models
  May 2007 Thirteenth Annual Technology Exhibition & Presentations
  March 2007 Emerging Technologies
  January 2007 Biorepositories: An Automation Frontier
  May 2006 Twelfth Annual Technology Exhibition & Presentations
  March 2006 Emerging Technologies
  February 2006 Automated Sample Management, Storage & Retrieval
  May 2005 Eleventh Annual Technology Exhibition & Presentations
  January 2005 Automated Sample Management, Storage and Retrieval
  November 2004 Computational Methods
  October 2004 Dual Track Meeting! Pharmaceutical Solid Dosage Form / Information Technologies
  May 2004 Tenth Annual Technology Exhibition & Presentations
  January 2004 Automated Sample Management, Storage and Retrieval
  November 2003 ADME and Compound Profiling Meeting & Poster Session
  September 2003 Dual Track Meeting! Pharmaceutical Dosage Form / Information Technologies
  May 2003 Technology Exhibition & Presentations
  April 2003 Emerging Technologies
  January 2003 Automated Compound Storage and Retrieval
  November 2002 Assay Technology
  September 2002 Microfluidics
  May 2002 Technology Exhibition & Presentations
  January 2002 Compound Storage and Retrieval Strategies in HTS (268 attendees)
  November 2001 125th Anniversary of the American Chemical Society
  June 2001 Technology Exhibition & Presentations
April 2001 Combinatorial Chemistry / High Throughput Screening
February 2001 High Throughput Biomolecular Screening Using Mass Spectrometric Detection
September 00 Analytical Applications
June 00 Technology Exhibition & Presentations
May 00 Combinatorial Chemistry
February 00 Bioinformatics: Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Perspectives (over 100 attendees)
December 99 High Throughput Screening Using the 1536-Well Format: Distinguishing Fact from Fiction
October 99 High Throughput Screening: Special Topics (over 150 attendees)
June 99 Annual Vendor Exhibition
April 99 Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening
February 99 Agricultural & Analytical Applications (87 attendees)
December 98 High Throughput Screening (over 400 attendees)
June 98 Vendors Night (514 attendees)
April 98 Information Strategies (224 attendees)
   February 98 Drug Discovery (283 attendees)
  December 97 High Throughput Screening (267 attendees)
September 97 Agricultural Applications (68 attendees)
June 97 Vendors Night (267 attendees)
April 97 Joint ACS Meeting (176 attendees)
February 97 Combinatorial Chemistry
December 96 High Throughput Screening
September 96 Joint ACS Meeting
June 96 Vendors Night

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